House wren
House wren

house wren

The dark-brown ball of feathers shows only an indistinct eyebrow but lots of speckles, enough to aid in its camouflage. So check out marshes, ponds, and streams, watching for sublte movement. You will want to drill the hole at least 3 inches, but no more than 6 inches above the. The floor of the bird house needs to be about 4 square inches.

house wren

They are very small, but the babies that hatch from them grow quickly, outgrowing the nest in less than three weeks. Wren eggs are typically white or brown with dark speckles. Mating pairs typically raise two broods per season. Keep the hole diameter at 1 inch for house wrens, winter wrens and Bewick’s wrens. House wrens usually lay anywhere from 5 to 8 eggs per brood, and sometimes more. House Wrens are known to also add spider egg sacs to their nesting materials. A hole that is 1 inch in diameter or larger will possibly allow unwanted sparrows into your bird house. The nest is made up of sticks, grass, plant materials, weeds, and feathers. The nesting site is usually found lower to the ground. Given the right habitat, however, your chances of seeing one dramatically improve. The female will lay an egg a day until she lays up to six or seven eggs. Because they skulk on the ground, always in wet places and near water, always among fallen logs and upturned root wads, they're notoriously elusive. Wrens are cavity-nesting birds, but while some wrens build their own elaborate structures, a few wren species will eagerly investigate artificial structures. This box design may also be used by Carolina Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatches, Tufted Titmice, and Prothonotary Warblers. Indeed, "glimpse" is the right word, for Winter Wrens are tiny, much smaller than the other two, dark, much darker brown than the other two, and fast, oh, so fast. Preferred box design for House Wrens is slightly smaller than the NABS Eastern Bluebird box with a 1 ¼ inch entrance hole. Now, though, during fall migration, with House Wrens long gone and winter birds arriving, seeking food-laden habitat to call home the next four months, we may glimpse our third wren species, the appropriately named Winter Wren.

House wren